How to setup notificaitons for Kudos day?

With Kudos Day active, you can set up how often Asante Bot will interact with your Slack channel.

Kudos Day Reminder and Recap Scheduling:

Middle of the Day Reminder:

  • Purpose: An encouraging reminder to help reach 100% participation in Kudos Day.
  • Scheduling: Users can set the message delivery time (here, it’s 1:00 PM).

Last Call Reminder:

  • Purpose: An encouraging reminder to notify users that the end of Kudos Day is near.
  • Scheduling: You can set a notification for @here so you can notify everybody on the channel that the end of Kudos Day is near

Recap Message:

  • Purpose: A summary message to celebrate everyone who participated in Kudos Day.
  • Scheduling: Users can set the recap delivery time.